Thursday, January 14, 2010

Men with Erectile Dysfunction Lack the Good Health

Men with erectile dysfunction lack the good health. Erectile dysfunction is just the outcome of the consistent abnormal health. The condition of the erectile dysfunction is characterized by the improper functioning of the male reproductive system. During this condition men lack a capability to achieve the erection or sustain the erection during the sexual activity. This problem is faced by the men due to the inadequate blood supply to the male reproductive organ after the sexual stimulation. The mechanism of the erection is basically maintained by the activity of the 2 enzymes, PDE-5 and cGMP. Due to imbalance in these enzyme levels men face the erection problems. Mainly when the PDE-5 enzyme is increased and level of cGMP is decreased.

It has been always noted that men suffering with erectile dysfunction are always suffering with some other diseases also. Quit persistent is occurrence of the erectile dysfunction in the diabetic men. It has been noted that 50% of the diabetic patients generally face some kind of the erectile dysfunction. Diabetic increases the density of the blood, which results in the blood circulation problems. No blood is reached to the male reproductive organs and this makes the men suffer with the erectile dysfunction. It has been also proved through the variety of the research studies that diabetes is linked to the erectile dysfunction. Many research studies have even mentioned that erectile dysfunction is the warning sign of the diabetes.

Even the men with the heart problems and blood pressure are also found to be the impotence sufferers. This gives us a clear hint that health status of the individual suffering with the impotence is not good. To know about the health status of impotent men a study was conducted in which 570 men suffering with the impotence were examined by the expert team of doctors. The overall health check up was carried out. It was noted during the health check up that the health of these impotent men was considerably down. They were noted to be suffering with the various abnormal health conditions along with the impotence.

It was nearly clear from the study that impotent men are already the unhealthy individuals and they may be suffering with the erectile dysfunction because of these abnormal health conditions. Impotent men really feel ashamed of his condition and this damages his sexual life. The problem of the impotence makes him feel inferior about himself, which destroys his self-esteem and confidence completely. Impotent men are generally depressed because of there consistent failures during the sexual activity. The mental health of the impotent men is found to be very bad.

So, if you are facing the erection problems then please visit the doctor immediately because it may be a symptom of any other hazardous disease. Impotence if taken care at the initial stage can be cured even without taking the medications. Otherwise you have to use the impotence medications to resolve the problem. But, I would like to mention here that oral drugs are best option to resolve the impotence problem. You should understand that impotence is completely curable so don’t take any tensions. Only necessity is that you must visit the doctor instantly if you face any erection problems.

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