Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tiger Woods Balances Golf Hypnosis

Tiger Woods People often ask me about how Tiger Woods balances his obvious temper tantrums with his use of hypnosis. So moving on from yesterday's post about who's using golf hypnosis apart from Tiger. Here's my answer to their second question, "Just how effective is the hypnosis that Tiger Woods uses, if he loses his temper so much."

You only have to look back to this year's Masters to see what they're talking about. I used to agree with them, before realising that this may be a part of his anger management technique for releasing a bad shot. It may upset the golfing public and his playing partners, but it doesn't seem to have any long-term affect on him. Although he's clearly in hypnosis while he's hitting the ball, he appears to come out the moment he completes the swing. If it's a good shot, he calmly moves on to the next shot. If it's a bad shot he cusses and again moves on. He's certainly calmed down before he hypnotically plays his next shot, so his bad shot and his temper don't have any lasting effect.

I'm sure I'm repeating myself here, but here's a very telling quote from Tiger that supports my analysis, "The person who can control his state can control his world". There's seems to be no doubt in my mind that he's the master of State Management

Now, if only dear old Colin Montgomery had some of Tiger's anger management skills and the ability to control his state. He could still be just about as unbeatable as Tiger. I'll be talking more about Colin in a future post about enjoying your golf - no surprise there then. Colin tells us that he does enjoy his golf, but who's he kidding?

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